Wellness Manager Monthly™

April – Building Bridges

During Diversity Month, this month’s theme recognizes and celebrates diversity and explores building bridges with others.

HealthyLife National Observances

HealthyLife Newsletter

HealthyLife Handouts

Well-Being Slides

Post this short slide presentation on your onsite TV screens, HR and/or wellness program office.

To download the slideshow for these images, follow the link below.

Featured Wellness Activity

Connect With Respect

The goal of this activity is to encourage you to have meaningful conversations with people from diverse backgrounds.

Fuel Up

The purpose of this monthly feature is to highlight healthy snack and meal ideas to help you stay focused and energized throughout your workday.


This month’s featured fuel is eggs. They are the foundation of many easy-to-prepare dishes, packed with protein and vitamins A, D, and B12. Enjoy!

Health Video

Connect with Respect